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Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 11266, jul./set. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518316


Este estudo analisou a síndrome de Burnout e o senso de coerência em profissionais de enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Para tanto, 61 profissionais da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil responderam aos instrumentos Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) e Senso de Coerência (SOC), em questionário do Google Forms. Os resultados indicaram que o domínio com maior pontuação média no MBI foi a "Realização pessoal" (M=3,95; DP=0,53), seguida pela "Exaustão emocional" (M=2,82; DP=0,83). Houve associação significante entre domínios do MBI e as dimensões do SOC-13, com pontuações mais altas em "Compreensão" e "Manejo" do SOC, associadas a menor "Exaustão emocional" (r_S de -0,447 e -0,572) e "Despersonalização" (r_S de -0,339 e -0,383). Foi observada relação significante entre o apoio psicológico no trabalho e a redução do nível de exaustão (valor p ≤ 0,001). Esses achados fornecem contribuições relevantes para o desenvolvimento de ações direcionadas aos profissionais da enfermagem, destacando a importância do apoio psicológico e do fortalecimento do senso de coerência.

This study analyzed Burnout and sense of coherence in nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. To do so, 61 professionals of the Center-West region of Brazil answered the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) instruments through a Google Forms questionnaire. The results suggested that the domain with the highest mean score in the MBI was "Personal accomplishment" (M=3.95; SD=0,53), followed by "Emotional exhaustion" (M=2.82; SD=0,83). There was a significant association between the MBI domains and the SOC-13 dimensions, with higher scores in "Comprehensibility" and "Manageability" of SOC, associated to lower "Emotional exhaustion" (r_S of -0.447 and -0.572) e "Depersonalization" (r_S of -0.339 and -0.383). A significant relationship was found between the psychological support at work and a decrease in the exhaustion level (p-value ≤ 0.001). These findings provide relevant contributions to devise actions focused on nursing professionals, highlighting the importance of psychological support and the strengthening of the sense of coherence.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1118-1122, ago. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514334


SUMMARY: The evaluation of the invertor and evertor muscle strength and proprioception are important in terms of determining the risk of injury in handball players. The aim of this study was to determine the isokinetic strength and proprioception profile of the ankle invertor and evertor muscles of elite female handball players. Fifteen elite female handball players were included. Ankle invertor and evertor muscle strength and proprioception were evaluated using the isokinetic system. The isokinetic strength test was performed in concentric mode at 30°/s (5 repetitions) and 120°/s (10 repetitions). Proprioception sense was evaluated as active joint position sense. There was no statistically significant difference between the dominant and nondominant sides in terms of invertor and evertor muscle strength, evertor/invertor (Ever/Inver) ratio, and active joint position sense at both angular speeds (p>0.05). The Ever/Inver ratio on both sides was lower than normal values. It was concluded that the female handball players showed bilateral symmetry in the invertor and evertor muscles. However, the fact that the Ever/Inver strength ratio was lower than normal values on both sides suggested that caution should be exercised in terms of risks such as ankle sprain or chronic ankle instability. Pre-season evaluations should be made and it would be beneficial to add strengthening exercises to related muscle groups in training programs to normalize the unilateral ratios in these athletes.

La evaluación de la fuerza muscular inversora y eversora y la propiocepción son importantes para determinar el riesgo de lesión en los jugadores de balonmano. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la fuerza isocinética y el perfil de propiocepción de los músculos inversores y eversores del tobillo de jugadoras de balonmano de élite. Se incluyeron 15 jugadoras de élite de balonmano. La fuerza muscular inversora y eversora del tobillo y la propiocepción se evaluaron mediante el sistema isocinético. El test de fuerza isocinética se realizó en modo concéntrico a 30º/s (5 repeticiones) y 120º/s (10 repeticiones). El sentido de propiocepción se evaluó como sentido activo de posición articular. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los lados dominante y no dominante en términos de fuerza muscular inversora y eversora, relación eversor/inversor (Ever/ Inver) y sentido activo de la posición de la articulación en ambas velocidades angulares (p>0.05). La relación Ever/Inver en ambos lados fue inferior a los valores normales. Se concluyó que las jugadoras de balonmano presentaron simetría bilateral en los músculos inversores y eversores. Sin embargo, el hecho de que la relación de fuerza Ever/Inver fuera inferior a los valores normales en ambos lados sugirió que se debe tener precaución en términos de riesgos como el esguince de tobillo o la inestabilidad crónica de tobillo. Se deben realizar evaluaciones de pretemporada y sería beneficioso agregar ejercicios de fortalecimiento a los grupos musculares relacionados en los programas de entrenamiento para normalizar las proporciones unilaterales en estas atletas.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Proprioception , Sports , Muscle Strength , Ankle/physiology
Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(1)mayo 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431140


La flexibilización y precarización estructural del trabajo han llevado, entre otros trabajadores, a un grupo de profesionistas de la psicología a identificar en el autoempleo una forma viable para desempeñarse en la actualidad. Esta experiencia ha representado para ellos una actividad performática que los reta a reinventarse continuamente para adaptarse a los cambios del mercado laboral y que trasforma los sentidos y significados que atribuyen al autoempleo. Con el objetivo de conocer y comprender esos sentidos y significados atribuidos al autoempleo, por medio de un estudio cualitativo de las narrativas y asociaciones de tres psicólogas y un psicólogo autoempleados en México se realizó este estudio. Los resultados develan las experiencias de autoempleo como articulación entre nuevas libertades y dependencias, que significan el trabajo para las y los participantes y desmitifican algunas retóricas del autoempleo. Concluimos que es urgente que las políticas laborales y educativas correspondan a estas realidades actuales del ejercicio libre de las profesiones, no sólo de la psicología.

The flexibilization and structural precariousness of work have led, among other workers, a group of psychology professionals to identify self-employment as a viable way of working in today's world. This experience has represented for them a performative activity, challenging them to reinvent continually themselves in order to adapt to changes in the labor market and transforming the sense and meanings they attribute to self-employment. With the objective to know and understand the sense and meaning attributed to work, the narratives and associations of four self-employed psychologists in Mexico were analyzed through a qualitative study. The results disclose the experiences of self-employment as an articulation between new freedoms and dependencies, which signify work for the participants and demystify some self-employment rhetoric. There is an urgent need for labor and educational policies to adjust to the actual realities of free professionals' practice, not only in the field of psychology.

A flexibilidade e a precariedade estrutural do trabalho levaram, entre outros trabalhadores, um grupo de profissionais da psicologia a identificar no trabalho autônomo uma forma viável de atuar na atualidade. Esta experiência tem representado para eles uma atividade de desempenho que os desafia a reinventar-se continuamente para se adaptar às mudanças do mercado de trabalho e que transforma os sentidos e significados que atribuem ao trabalho por conta própria. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de conhecer e compreender esses sentidos e significados atribuídos ao trabalho autônomo, através de um estudo qualitativo das narrativas e associações de três psicólogos e psicólogos autônomos no México. Os resultados revelam as vivências do trabalho autônomo como articulação entre novas liberdades e dependências, que significam trabalho para os participantes e desmistificam algumas retóricas do trabalho autônomo. Concluímos que é urgente que as políticas laborais e educativas correspondam a estas realidades atuais do livre exercício das profissões, não só da psicologia.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(2): [1-23], may-ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510110


El valor de posición es una propiedad básica de los formatos de representación del Sistema de Numera- ción en Base Diez (SNBD), y su comprensión facilita el desempeño matemático de los estudiantes en diferentes grados escolares. Algunas investigaciones sugieren que nociones como la composición aditiva y la equivalencia numérica participan en la emergencia de la comprensión de este principio, sin embargo, pocos estudios han intentado analizar la relación entre estas nociones o se han interesado en indagar ­desde una perspectiva de la transcodificación numérica­, cómo estas afectan la producción de numerales arábigos durante los procesos iniciales del aprendizaje escolar. En tal sentido, esta investigación propone indagar si algunas de las invariantes del SNBD ­composición aditiva y equivalencia numérica­ facilitan la comprensión del valor de posición y la escritura numérica en estudiantes de primer grado de primaria. Participaron 96 estudiantes adscritos a escuelas públicas de Cali, Colombia, en un estudio cuasi-experimental pre-posprueba con grupo control, que involucra la aplicación de un proceso de intervención diferente para cada grupo experimental: composición aditiva y (b) equivalencia numérica. Los resultados plantean que los dos tratamientos apli- cados facilitan la comprensión del valor de posición y generan efectos diferentes en la comprensión y producción de numerales arábigos. Además, los análisis develan cambios significativos entre aplicaciones para los grupos experimentales, pero no para el grupo con- trol, lo cual sugiere que la composición aditiva y la equivalencia numérica son predictores en la escritura correcta de numerales.

The place value is a fundamental property of the base-10 system representation formats, and its under- standing facilitates the mathematical performance of children in different school grades. Some research sug- gests that notions such as additive composition and nu- merical equivalence participate in the emergence of the understanding of this principle. However, few studies have attempted to analyze the relationship between these notions or have been interested in investigating ­from a transcoding perspective numerical­ how these affect the production of Arabic numerals during the initial processes of school learning. This research explores how some invariants of the base-10 system: Additive Composition and Numerical Equivalence, facilitate the place value mastery and the numerical writing of children. First-grade students (n= 96) linked to public schools in the city of Cali, Colombia, in a quasi-experimental experimental study with a control group, which involves the application of different in- tervention processes to each experimental group: (a) numerical equivalence and (b) additive composition. The results suggest that both treatments facilitate the place value understanding and generate differ- ent effects on comprehending and producing Arabic numerals. In addition, analyses reveal significant changes between applications for the experimental groups but not for the group control, which specif- ically evidences both the additive composition and the numerical equivalence are predictors in correct number writing.

O valor posicional é uma propriedade básica dos forma- tos de representação do Sistema de Numeração Base Dez (SNBD), e sua compreensão facilita o desempenho mate- mático de alunos de diferentes séries escolares. Algumas pesquisas sugerem que noções como composição aditiva e equivalência numérica participam do surgimento da compreensão desse princípio, porém, poucos estudos têm tentado analisar a relação entre essas noções ou se interessado em investigar ­a partir de uma perspectiva de transcodificação numérica­ como essas afetam a produção de algarismos arábicos durante os processos iniciais de aprendizagem escolar. Esta investigação se propõe a investigar se alguns dos invariantes do SNBD; a composição aditiva e a equivalência numérica facilitam a compreensão do valor posicional e da escrita numérica em alunos da primeira série. Participaram do experi- mento 96 alunos da primeira série de escolas públicas de Cali, Colômbia; num estudo quase experimental pré/pós-teste com um grupo controle, que envolve a aplicação de um processo de intervenção diferen- te a cada grupo experimental; (a) composição aditiva e (b) equivalência numérica. Os resultados sugerem que os dois tratamentos aplicados facilitam a compreensão do valor posicional e geram efeitos diferentes na com- preensão e produção dos algarismos arábicos. Além disso, as análises revelam mudanças significativas entre as aplicações para os grupos experimentais, mas não para o grupo controle, o que sugere que a composi- ção aditiva e a equivalência numérica são preditores na escrita correta dos numerais.

Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442402


The human sensory receptors are morphologically specialized to transduce specific stimuli into the brain. However, when an injury occurs, mainly in the spinal cord, which can be of traumatic or non-traumatic origin, it provokes various degrees of sensory deficits, autonomic, motor and sphincter dysfunction below the level of the injury. Based on this, a new therapeutic modality is being proposed by neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, which is based on the brain-machine interface, that is, using other pathways so that the information can reach the cerebral cortex and thus be consciously processed (AU).

Os receptores sensoriais humanos são morfologicamente especializados para realizar a transdução de estímulos específicos para o encéfalo. Entretanto, quando ocorre uma lesão, principalmente, na medula espinal, que pode ser de origem traumática e não traumática, provocam diversos graus de déficits sensoriais, disfunção autônoma, motora e esfincteriana, abaixo do nível da lesão. Com base nisso, uma nova modalidade terapêutica está sendo proposto pelo neurocientista Miguel Nicolelis, que tem como base a interface cérebro máquina, isto é, utilizar-se de outras vias para que as informações possam chegar no córtex cerebral e assim serem processadas conscientemente.Palavras-chave: Interfaces cérebro-computador, Neurociências, Órgãos dos sentidos (AU).

Sense Organs , Neurosciences , Brain-Computer Interfaces
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(1): 76-88, ene.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519893


Resumen El Sentido del Humor (SH) es considerado un fenómeno universal, pero al mismo tiempo culturalmente específico pues cada grupo posee particularidades que modulan la forma en la éste se percibe y conceptualiza. Aunque el trabajo empírico en torno al fenómeno es amplio, éste se ha centrado en la creación de escalas que miden estilos particulares de humor o ciertos dominios humorísticos, dejando de lado el interés por explorar lo más fundamental, es decir, las percepciones y significados generales del humor. Dado lo anterior, el presente trabajo tuvo por objetivos: 1) explorar el significado atribuido al SH por hombres y mujeres, 2) desarrollar un instrumento válido y confiable para adultos mexicanos, 3) examinar la invarianza de la medición de dicho instrumento en función del sexo de los participantes e 4) identificar posibles diferencias entre hombres y mujeres al respecto de los factores de la medida validada. Los resultados mostraron la obtención de tres categorías que son congruentes con los factores obtenidos en la escala diseñada. En cuanto a sus características resultó una escala válida y confiable, que mostró equivalencia entre los sexos.

Abstract The Sense of Humor (SH) is considered a universal phenomenon, but at the same time culturally specific, since each group has particularities that modulate the way in which it is perceived and conceptualized. Although the empirical work around the phenomenon is extensive, it has focused on the creation of scales that measure styles of humor or certain humorous domains, leaving aside the interest in exploring what is most fundamental, that is, the general perceptions and meanings of humor. humor. Given the above, the present work had the objectives: 1) to explore the meaning attributed to SH by men and women, 2) to develop a valid and reliable instrument for Mexican adults, 3) to examine the invariance of the measurement of said instrument based on the gender and 4) identify possible differences between genders regarding the factors of the validated measure. The results showed the obtaining of three categories that are consistent with the factors obtained in the designed scale. Regarding its characteristics, it was a valid and reliable scale, which showed equivalence between genders.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 370-373, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990187


Objective:To investigate and analyze the correlation between family function and disease benefit perception among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Methods:A cross-sectional study, convenient sampling method, family function Assessment Scale (APGAR) and disease benefit scale were used to investigate the family function assessment and disease benefit of 172 COPD patients in the respiratory department of Yinchuan First People ′s Hospital from January to April 2021. Results:The total score of family function in COPD patients was (7.74 ± 2.50) points, and the total score of disease benefit was (53.24 ± 7.03) points. There was a positive correlation between family function and disease benefit in COPD patients ( r values were 0.041-0.275, P<0.05). Conclusions:The disease benefit of COPD patients was closely related to family function, and improving the level of family function support can improve the disease benefit of COPD patients.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 266-270, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986751


BackgroundIn public health emergencies, medical staff undertake many important tasks. Having a good mental health status and capability in popularization of science can improve the work efficiency of medical staff, and thus enhancing the public's trust and support for medical care. ObjectiveTo investigated the anxiety, insomnia and security level of medical staff under the public health emergency, and to explore the correlation between anxiety and capability in popularization of science of them. MethodsFrom June 1 to September 1, 2020, a total of 588 medical staff in Sichuan Province were investigated through the Questionnaire Star platform. The survey included a self-designed general information questionnaire, the Psychological Security-Insecurity Questionnaire (S-I), Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and science popularization questionnaire during the COVID-19 epidemic. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation among SAS, S-I and AIS scores, as well as the correlation between SAS and the science popularization questionnaire during the COVID-19 epidemic. ResultsDuring the public health emergency, the S-I score of the medical staff was (27.46±9.20), with 21 cases (3.57%) having a low level of security. The SAS score was (44.21±9.57), with 208 cases (35.37%) having anxiety symptoms. The AIS score was (11.40±5.25), with 450 cases (76.53%) suffering from insomnia. Correlation analysis showed that SAS score was negatively correlated with S-I score (r=-0.640, P<0.01), while positively correlated with AIS score (r=0.618, P<0.01). There was a negative correlation between the degree of usage about medical staff's science popularization tool and SAS score (r=-0.501~-0.185, P<0.01). The use of science popularization channels was negatively correlated with anxiety (r=-0.510~-0.232, P<0.05 or 0.01). There was a negative correlation between the level of trust to popularization of science and medical staff anxiety (r=-0.548~-0.338, P<0.01). ConclusionUnder the public health emergency, the detection rates of anxiety symptoms and sleep disorders among medical staff are high, and anxiety is negatively correlated with medical staff's capability in popularization of science. [Funded by Sichuan Mianyang Psychological Growth Guidance and Research Center for Minors Funded Project (number, SCWCN2020YB11)].

An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association ; : 78-80, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985372


We organized regular, student-led activities in which medical students listened to patients' narratives and engaged in casual conversation. This report reviews these activities, which were conducted 28 times between June 2020 and September 2022. Through the activities, we received feedback on feelings, new perspectives, and realizations that arose from both students and patients. Our findings suggest that listening to patients' narratives helped students self-reflect and understand the patients' perspectives. Moreover, interacting with students helped patients feel a sense of meaning and a new understanding of their illness.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 2039-2055, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982846


Positive-sense RNA viruses modify intracellular calcium stores, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus (Golgi) to generate membranous replication organelles known as viral factories. Viral factories provide a conducive and substantial enclave for essential virus replication via concentrating necessary cellular factors and viral proteins in proximity. Here, we identified the vital role of a broad-spectrum antiviral, peruvoside in limiting the formation of viral factories. Mechanistically, we revealed the pleiotropic cellular effect of Src and PLC kinase signaling via cyclin-dependent kinase 1 signaling leads to Golgi-specific brefeldin A-resistance guanine nucleotide exchange factor 1 (GBF1) phosphorylation and Golgi vesiculation by peruvoside treatment. The ramification of GBF1 phosphorylation fosters GBF1 deprivation consequentially activating downstream antiviral signaling by dampening viral factories formation. Further investigation showed signaling of ERK1/2 pathway via cyclin-dependent kinase 1 activation leading to GBF1 phosphorylation at Threonine 1337 (T1337). We also showed 100% of protection in peruvoside-treated mouse model with a significant reduction in viral titre and without measurable cytotoxicity in serum. These findings highlight the importance of dissecting the broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutics mechanism and pave the way for consideration of peruvoside, host-directed antivirals for positive-sense RNA virus-mediated disease, in the interim where no vaccine is available.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e113, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520506


Abstract This study evaluated the association between sense of coherence (SoC) and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among conscripts of the Brazilian Army, in two cities of southern Brazil. A cross-sectional study included all 18-19-year-old adolescents who joined the Brazilian Army as draftees for mandatory military service in the cities of Itaqui, RS, and Santiago, RS (n = 505). Data collection was conducted from 2019 to 2021, and included the application of questionnaires and a clinical oral examination to record gingivitis, malocclusion, and dental caries. OHRQoL was collected through the Brazilian short version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), composed of 14 questions. The adolescents' SoC was assessed using the validated Brazilian version of the SOC-13 scale. The primary outcome of this study was OHRQoL, modeled as a discrete variable (OHIP-14 scores). The main predictor variable was SoC, categorized as low, moderate, or high. The association between predictor variables and OHRQoL was assessed by Poisson regression models using a hierarchical approach. Unadjusted and adjusted rate ratios (RR), and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. All the analyses were performed using STATA software version 14.2. Adolescents with a moderate and high SoC had 27% (RR = 0.73, 95%CI = 0.64-0.84) and 51% (RR = 0.49, 95%CI = 0.41-0.58) lower mean OHIP-14 scores, respectively, than those with a low SoC score, after the inclusion of behavioral and clinical variables. This study showed a significant association between SoC and OHRQoL among 18-19-year-old southern Brazilian adolescents. Strengthening the SoC as a psychosocial resource may improve the well-being and OHRQoL of adolescents.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e111, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520507


Abstract The aim of this study was to explore associated variables with sense of coherence (SOC), and dental environment stress (DES) in a sample of dental students. All undergraduate (n = 474) and graduate (n = 105) dental students enrolled in the first semester of 2020 at a public university in southern Brazil were invited to participate. Data collection was performed by an online questionnaire, which included information related to sociodemographic and educational characteristics, biopsychosocial factors, aspects related to feelings experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic, and the SOC scale. The study outcome (DES) was measured by a validated tool. Linear regression analyses were performed to identify the associations between the outcome and all independent variables. A total of 408 students were included (response rate: 70.5%). The overall mean score of the DES scale was 73.95 (SD: 24.13). Students with higher SOC scores were observed to have significantly lower DES scores (βGRADUATE: -0.376; 95%: -0.482 to -0.271; βUNDERGRADUATE: -0.478; 95%:-0.658 to -0.297). Female undergraduate students (β: 11.788; 95%CI: 7.161-16.415) had higher DES scores compared with undergraduate male students. In addition, the presence of anxiety symptoms when providing dental care to patients with symptoms or suspected COVID-19 infection was associated with higher DES scores (β: 10.460; 95%CI: 5.644-15.277) among undergraduate dental students. The level of stress was higher in non-white undergraduate students than white (β: 8.912; 95%CI: 3.581-14.244). Among both undergraduate and graduate dental students, higher SOC scores were associated with lower DES.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 32: e20230087, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1450587


ABSTRACT Objective: to know the generalized resistance resources of people deprived of liberty with systemic arterial hypertension in a triple border region. Method: a qualitative study based on the theoretical framework of Salutogenesis, in which 38 people deprived of liberty in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, participated from February to July 2022. Guiding questions were used in the interviews which were submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: 12 generalized resistance resources emerged in the reports of people deprived of liberty with systemic arterial hypertension: health team; access to medications; work; lifestyle habits: food, physical activity and restriction of access to drugs/cigarettes/alcoholic beverages; stress/anxiety control; reading and games; religiosity; family; self-care; cellmates; and employees. Conclusion: people deprived of liberty with systemic arterial hypertension have generalized resistance resources to manage their life and health, which are related to personal care, the social group and the environment. It is noteworthy that once they are identified, the generalized resistance resources can be used by health professionals to manage SAH, other chronic diseases and aid in health promotion.

RESUMEN Objetivo: conocer los recursos generalizados de resistencia de las personas privadas de libertad con hipertensión arterial sistémica en una región de la triple frontera. Método: investigación cualitativa basada en el referencial teórico de la Salutogénesis, en la que participaron 38 personas privadas de libertad de Foz do Iguazú, Paraná, Brasil, de febrero a julio de 2022. Se utilizaron preguntas orientadoras en las entrevistas, que fueron sometidas al análisis de contenido en la modalidad temática. Resultados: 12 recursos generalizados de resistencia surgieron en los relatos de detenidos con hipertensión arterial sistémica: equipo de salud; acceso a medicamentos; trabajar; hábitos de vida: alimentación, actividad física y restricción de acceso a drogas/cigarrillos/bebidas alcohólicas; control del estrés/ansiedad; lectura y juegos; religiosidad; familia; cuidados personales; compañeros de cubículo y empleados. Conclusión: las personas privadas de libertad con hipertensión arterial sistémica poseen recursos generalizados de resistencia para el manejo de su vida y salud, los cuales están relacionados con el cuidado personal, el grupo social y el medio ambiente. Se destaca que, una vez identificados, los recursos generalizados de resistencia pueden ser utilizados por los profesionales de la salud en el manejo de la HAS, otras enfermedades crónicas y promoción de la salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: conhecer os recursos generalizados de resistência das pessoas privadas de liberdade com hipertensão arterial sistêmica de uma região de tríplice fronteira. Método: pesquisa qualitativa pautada no referencial teórico da Salutogênese, da qual participaram 38 pessoas privadas de Liberdade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil, no período de fevereiro a julho de 2022. Utilizou-se de questões norteadoras nas entrevistas, as quais foram submetidas a análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática. Resultados: emergiram 12 recursos generalizados de resistência nos relatos das pessoas presas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica: equipe de saúde; acesso às medicações; trabalho; hábitos de vida: alimentação, atividade física e restrição ao acesso a drogas/cigarro/bebida alcóolica; controle do estresse/ansiedade; leitura e jogos; religiosidade; família; autocuidado; companheiros de cubículo e funcionários. Conclusão: as pessoas privadas de liberdade com hipertensão arterial sistêmica apresentam recursos generalizados de resistência para manejar sua vida e saúde, os quais se relacionam ao cuidado pessoal, ao grupo social e ao ambiente. Destaca-se que, uma vez identificados, os recursos generalizados de resistência podem ser utilizados pelos profissionais de saúde no gerenciamento da HAS, outras doenças crônicas e promoção da saúde.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e230302, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1513884


Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the sense of coherence (SOC) of parents/guardians and the use of dental services by children who are 12 years old. Methods This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the eastern zone of the city of Manaus, with 358 children enrolled in the 7th grade in the municipal public school system. Data collection was performed through self-administered questionnaires sent to parents/guardians, which contained questions about socioeconomic conditions, use of dental services by children and Antonovsky's SOC-13 scale. Data were examined by descriptive and bivariate analysis, using the Chi-square test, with a 5% significance level. Results Of the 358 children, 58.4% were female; in addition, 75.4% of the parents/guardians self-reported to be brown and 39.9% of them had a family income of ½ to 1 minimum wage. SOC was categorized as strong SOC and weak SOC by the median. The association between strong or weak SOC and the use of dental services in terms of frequency (p= 0.839) and reason for last visit (p= 0.384), was not significant. Conclusion It was concluded that SOC of parents/guardians and utilization of dental services by children were not associated.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Health Services , Sense of Coherence
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 120 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1511440


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto dos fatores psicossociais familiares relacionados à saúde bucal de crianças/adolescentes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) comparados com a percepção de pais/cuidadores de crianças/adolescentes sem TEA. Para avaliação da percepção do impacto de condições bucais na qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde bucal (QVRSB), 80 crianças/adolescentes com TEA e 80 sem TEA foram examinadas. Os pais/cuidadores responderam a versão curta do Parental-Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ). A avaliação da influência dos fatores comportamentais na experiência de cárie dentária foi avaliada em 80 mães de crianças/adolescentes com TEA comparada com 76 mães de crianças/adolescentes sem TEA por meio dos questionários Senso de Coerência e Lócus de Controle (LOC). Informações sociodemográficas das famílias foram coletadas por meio de um questionário estruturado autorrespondido pelos responsáveis. Um único examinador avaliou os seguintes indicadores clínicos: cárie dentária (CPO-D/ceo-d), consequências clínicas da cárie dentária não tratada (PUFA/pufa), presença de placa visível (IPV), sangramento à sondagem periodontal (ISS), má oclusão e traumatismos dentoalveolares (TD). O teste Wilcoxon comparou os domínios e o escore total do P- CPQ entre indivíduos com e sem TEA. O teste qui-quadrado de Pearson foi empregado para avaliar a associação entre o escore total do P-CPQ com os dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e com os indicadores clínicos. As variáveis que apresentaram um nível de significância (p<0,20) na análise bivariada foram incorporadas no modelo final da regressão de Poisson (IC 95%, p<0,05). Para a análise dos fatores comportamentais, os testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Teste-t de Student e Teste de Mann-Whitney foram realizados para avaliar as diferenças de experiência de cárie e variáveis independentes em ambos os grupos. As variáveis que apresentaram nível de significância (p<0,20) no modelo não-ajustado da Regressão Logística foram incorporadas no modelo final da regressão (IC 95%, p<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação à percepção de pais/cuidadores das crianças/adolescentes com TEA sobre as repercussões das condições bucais na qualidade de vida de seus filhos quando comparados à percepção dos pais/cuidadores dos indivíduos sem TEA (p=0,721). O modelo ajustado de crianças com TEA encontrou que crianças que já haviam realizado visita prévia ao dentista têm 3,682 (IC 95% = 1,007 ­ 13,462) vezes mais chance de apresentar experiência de cárie dentária que crianças que nunca foram ao dentista. Enquanto crianças com presença de placa visível têm 3,426 (IC 95% = 1,089 ­ 10,783) vezes mais chance de apresentar experiência de cárie dentária quando comparadas a crianças que não possuem placa visível. A presença de placa visível e a atribuição do acaso ao LOC materno foram determinantes para maior prevalência de experiência de cárie dentária em crianças/adolescentes sem TEA. O grupo com TEA apresentou os mesmos fatores, entretanto a visita prévia ao dentista também foi determinante. A experiência de cárie dentária ainda foi associada à percepção da ocorrência de repercussões negativas na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal das crianças/adolescentes com TEA.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of family psychosocial factors related to the oral health of children/adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) compared with the perception of parents/caregivers of children/adolescents without ASD. To assess the perception of the impact of oral conditions on oral health- related quality of life (QHRSB), 80 children/adolescents with ASD and 80 without ASD were examined. Parents/caregivers answered the short version of the Parental- Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ). The evaluation of the influence of behavioral factors on the experience of dental caries was evaluated in 80 mothers of children/adolescents with ASD compared with 76 mothers of children/adolescents without ASD using the Sense of Coherence and Locus of Control (LOC) questionnaires. Socio-demographic information of the families was collected through a structured questionnaire self-reported by the guardians. A single examiner evaluated the following clinical indicators: dental caries (DMFT/dmft), clinical consequences of untreated dental caries (PUFA/pufa), presence of visible plaque (IPV), bleeding on periodontal probing (ISS), malocclusion and dentoalveolar trauma (TD). The Wilcoxon test compared the domains and the total score of the P-CPQ between individuals with and without ASD. Pearson's chi-square test was used to assess the association between the total P-CPQ score and sociodemographic and health data and clinical indicators. Variables that showed a significance level (p<0.20) in the bivariate analysis were incorporated into the final Poisson regression model (95% CI, p<0.05). For the analysis of behavioral factors, Pearson's chi-square test, Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney test were performed to assess differences in caries experience and independent variables in both groups. The variables that showed a significance level (p<0.20) in the unadjusted logistic regression model were incorporated into the final regression model (95% CI, p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in relation to the perception of parents/caregivers of children/adolescents with ASD about the repercussions of oral conditions on their children's quality of life when compared to the perception of parents/caregivers of individuals without ASD (p=0.721). The adjusted model of children with ASD found that children who had already made a previous visit to the dentist are 3.682 (95% CI = 1.007 ­ 13.462) times more likely to experience dental caries than children who had never been to the dentist. While children with visible plaque are 3.426 (95% CI = 1.089 ­ 10.783) times more likely to experience dental caries when compared to children who do not have visible plaque. The presence of visible plaque and the attribution of chance to maternal LOC were determinants for a higher prevalence of dental caries in children/adolescents without ASD. The group with ASD presented the same factors, however the previous visit to the dentist was also decisive. The experience of dental caries was also associated with the perception of the occurrence of negative repercussions on the quality of life related to the oral health of children/adolescents with ASD.

Quality of Life , Dental Caries , Sense of Coherence , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Internal-External Control
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39008, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415876


This study aimed to address the subjective oral health measures of caregivers of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Down syndrome. This cross-sectional study included 15 caregivers of individuals with ASD (n = 7) and Down syndrome (n = 8). Sociodemographic data, sense of coherence (SOC) (SOC-13 scale), social support (Social Support Scale [MOS-SSS]), oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) (OHIP-14), and self-rated oral health assessed on a 5-point Likert scale were collected. A descriptive analysis was performed in addition to correlation analyses (Spearman correlation coefficient). Most primary caregivers were parents of the individual (86.6%). The age of the caregivers ranged between 40 and 59 years (60%). Most caregivers have had 9 to 11 years of education (53.3%). Monthly family income was less than USD 186,28 for ASD caregivers (57.2%) and between USD 327,56 and USD 931,40 for Down syndrome caregivers (50%). Of the caregivers, 33.3% reported good oral health and 33.3% reported neither good nor bad. The average SOC score, social support and OHRQoL was 48.9, 69.3 and 10.9, respectively. The higher the family income, the better the OHRQoL (rs = -0.62, p = 0.014). SOC was correlated with the score of the emotional support domain (rs = 0.54, p = 0.039). It was concluded that caregivers had a strong SOC and high perceived support. Moreover, caregivers did not report a high impact on OHRQoL A better understanding of the caregivers' protective and coping factors in caring for individuals with disabilities may better promote their quality of life.

Quality of Life , Social Support , Oral Health , Caregivers , Sense of Coherence
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e54416, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1514632


RESUMO O planejamento urbano é um processo que compreende sucessivas melhorias voltadas para a qualidade de vida das populações e o envelhecimento populacional pressiona para que instâncias sociais assumam novas posturas sobre os modos de se planejar a cidade. Para compreender a ligação do idoso com o ambiente, é necessário entender os recursos disponíveis no local e as experiências vividas naquele contexto. A partir do sentido de lugar, as pessoas transformam os espaços e são por eles transformados. Assim, esse estudo questionou como moradores idosos de três localidades da cidade de Brasília constroem seu sentido de lugar, a partir da identificação de facilitadores e barreiras enfrentadas diariamente e das demandas para a construção de um ambiente amigável ao envelhecimento. Os dados qualitativos apresentados decorrem do uso de três técnicas de pesquisa: entrevistas face a face, entrevistas caminhadas e diários fotográficos. Fizeram parte do estudo 63 participantes com idade entre 60 e 90 anos. A análise realizada por meio do software Iramuteq permitiu a elaboração de quatro classes relacionadas aos vínculos sociais e comunitários, às atividades das rotinas diárias, aos aspectos simbólicos que refletem o sentido de lugar e a relação com elementos rurais e urbanos percebidos em cada cenário. Estar atento às mudanças resultantes dessa inversão da pirâmide demográfica incide sobre algumas das questões identificadas nesse estudo, mas também confirma o quanto ainda se faz necessário avançar para incluir de modo mais realista a dinâmica relação idoso-ambiente em estudos que abordam o processo de envelhecimento.

RESUMEN El urbanismo es un proceso que comprende sucesivas mejoras encaminadas a la calidad de vida de las poblaciones y el envejecimiento de la población presiona a las instancias sociales para que asuman nuevas posturas sobre las formas de planificar este entorno. Para comprender la percepción del ambiente por parte de los adultos mayores, es necesario comprender los recursos disponibles en el lugar y también las experiencias vividas en ese contexto. Desde el sentido del lugar, las personas transforman espacios y son transformados por ellos. Por lo tanto, este estudio cuestionó cómo los residentes mayores de tres localidades de la ciudad de Brasilia construyen su sentido de lugar, en función de sus identificaciones de los facilitadores y las barreras que se enfrentan a diario y las demandas para construir un ambiente amigable con el envejecimiento. Los datos cualitativos presentados derivan del uso de tres técnicas de investigación: entrevistas personales, entrevistas complementarias y diarios fotográficos. 63 personas mayores entre 60 y 90 años participaron en el estudio. El análisis realizado con el software Iramuteq permitió el desarrollo de cuatro clases relacionadas con los vínculos sociales y comunitarios, actividades de la rutina diaria, aspectos simbólicos que reflejan el sentido del lugar y la relación con los elementos rurales y urbanos percibidos en cada escenario. Conocer los cambios resultantes de esta inversión de la pirámide demográfica se centra en algunos de los problemas identificados en este estudio, pero también confirma cuánto progreso aún se necesita para incluir de manera más dinámica la relación entre el anciano y el ambiente en los estudios que abordan el envejecimiento.

ABSTRACT. The urban planning is a process that comprises successive improvements aimed at the quality of life of populations and the aging of the population puts pressure on social instances to assume new postures about the ways of planning this environment. To understand the elderly's attachment with the environment, it is necessary to understand the resources available in the place and the experiences lived in that context. From the sense of place, people transform spaces and are transformed by them. Thus, this study questioned how elderly residents of three locations in the city of Brasília build their sense of place, based on their identification of facilitators and barriers faced daily and the demands for building an aging-friendly environment. The qualitative data presented derives from the use of three research techniques: face-to-face interviews, go-along interviews, and photographic diaries. Sixty-three elderly persons between 60 and 90 years participated in the study. The analysis carried out using the Iramuteq software allowed the development of four classes related to social and community bonds, activities of daily routines, symbolic aspects that reflect the sense of place and the relationship with rural and urban elements perceived in each scenario. Being aware of the changes resulting from the demographic pyramid's inversion incur on some of the issues identified in this study. However, the results confirm how much further progress is still needed to include more dynamically the elderly-environment relationship in studies that address the aging process.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Perception/physiology , Aged/physiology , City Planning/trends , Quality of Life/psychology , Aged/psychology , Aging/psychology , Environment
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448799


ABSTRACT Objective: To associate caregivers' sense of coherence (SOC) and untreated caries with oral health status in children covered by a dental public health system. Material and Methods: A convenience sample of caregivers/children in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, was surveyed. Caregivers' SOC was evaluated using the 13-question version questionnaire. For both caregivers/children, sociodemographic information was acquired and caries experience was evaluated by DMFT/dmft and PUFA/pufa index. Statistical associations between children's untreated carious teeth and interest variables from the caregivers were evaluated by binary logistic regression assessed by generalized linear modeling. Results: A total of 233 pairs of caregivers-children were included. Children's untreated permanent and primary carious teeth represented 34.8% and 62.2% of the caries experience, respectively and at least one PUFA/pufa scored tooth was detected in 22.7% of them. Caregivers' DMFT was 13.5±7.0, while 33.6% scored on PUFA. A total of 62.1% of them presented untreated carious lesions. Results from the univariate model, correlating children's untreated caries and caregivers' attributes showed a statistical significance for SOC values (p<0.015), untreated decayed teeth (p<0.035), self-perception of oral health (p<0.022) and oral impact on daily performance (p<0.010). The multivariate logistic first model kept the statistical significance only for the caregiver's untreated decayed teeth. Conclusion: Caregivers' SOC and untreated carious teeth could be used as indicators of dental treatment needs in their offspring.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Sense of Coherence , Health Policy , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Social Perception , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e013, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420957


Abstract The aim of the present study was to assess whether mothers' sense of coherence (SOC) was a predictor of decline in oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of preschoolers. A 3-year cohort study was conducted in Diamantina, Brazil. At baseline, 162 preschoolers aged one to three years were randomly selected from among children registered in local Primary Healthcare Units. In the first stage, mothers completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS), and the Brazilian short version of the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). The total score obtained from the SOC-13 was used to select exposed and unexposed children. Clinical examinations were performed to detect the presence of dental caries, traumatic dental injury, and malocclusion. At follow-up, mothers completed the sociodemographic questionnaire and the B-ECOHIS again. The incidence of severe dental caries and adherence to the proposed treatment at baseline were evaluated. A decline in OHRQoL was considered if there was an increase in the B-ECOHIS score of at least one unit. The chi-square test and Poisson regression were performed. A total of 151 preschoolers participated in the study, among whom 37.7% showed a decline in OHRQoL. Mothers' SOC was not associated with a negative impact on OHRQoL (RR = 1.24; 95%CI = 0.81-1.88), while the incidence of severe dental caries had a greater impact on the decline in OHRQoL (RR = 2.02; 95%CI = 1.29-3.16). Mothers' low SOC was not a predictor of decline in the OHRQoL of preschoolers after a 3-year follow-up period.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(supl.1): e20220468, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1449666


ABSTRACT Objectives: to verify the role of sense of coherence, sense of national coherence, social support and trust in institutions to predict mental health in Brazilians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: a cross-sectional study, carried out from November, 2020 to January, 2021 via an online survey. Standardized instruments were used. The sample consisted of 1,630 Brazilians. Pearson's correlation and linear regression were performed in data analysis. Results: sense of coherence was the only predictor of anxiety [β= -0.61; p<0.001], explaining 38% of the variance in its scores, while sense of coherence [β= 0.52; p<0.001], sense of national coherence [β= 0.16; p<0.001], and social support [β= 0.15; p<0.001] predicted positive mental health and together explained 51% of its variance. Conclusions: the findings suggest that sense of coherence, sense of national coherence and social support represent important predictors for mental health and that strengthening these resources, could potentially promote Brazilians' mental health.

RESUMO Objetivos: verificar o papel do senso de coerência, senso de coerência nacional, apoio social e confiança em instituições como preditores da saúde mental dos brasileiros durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: estudo transversal, realizado de novembro de 2020 a janeiro de 2021 por meio de questionário online. Foram utilizados instrumentos padronizados. A amostra foi composta por 1.630 brasileiros. Foram realizadas correlação de Pearson e regressão linear na análise dos dados. Resultados: o senso de coerência foi o único preditor de ansiedade [β=-0,61; p<0,001], explicando 38% da variação em seus escores, enquanto senso de coerência [β=0,52;p<0,001], senso de coerência nacional [β=0,16;p<0,001] e apoio social [β=0,15;p<0,001] foram preditores da saúde mental positiva e juntos explicaram 51% da sua variação. Conclusões: os achados sugerem que senso de coerência, senso de coerência nacional e apoio social representam importantes preditores da saúde mental e que o fortalecimento desses recursos, poderia potencialmente promover a saúde mental dos brasileiros.

RESUMEN Objetivos: verificar el papel del sentido de coherencia, sentido de coherencia nacional, apoyo social y confianza en las instituciones como predictores de salud mental en brasileños durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: estudio transversal, realizado de noviembre de 2020 a enero de 2021 mediante cuestionario online. Se utilizaron instrumentos estandarizados. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.630 brasileños. En el análisis de datos se realizaron correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal. Resultados: el sentido de coherencia fue el único predictor de ansiedad [β= -0,61;p<0,001], explicando el 38% de la variación de sus puntuaciones, mientras que el sentido de coherencia [β=0,52;p<0,001], sentido de coherencia nacional [β= 0,16;p<0,001] y apoyo social [β=0,15;p<0,001] fueron predictores de salud mental positiva y en conjunto explicaron el 51% de su variación. Conclusiones: los hallazgos sugieren que sentido de coherencia, sentido de coherencia nacional y el apoyo social representan importantes predictores de salud mental y que el fortalecimiento de estos recursos, podría potencialmente promover la salud mental de los brasileños.